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Rev. Dr. Ir. Yonathan Wiryohadi, M.Th, began his journey in ministry early on. Throughout his youth, he actively participated in Christian student fellowships.

He received a strong calling from God to serve full-time in ministry. This calling grew and he was tasked with founding GBI WTC, a church that would follow a prophetic and apostolic direction. Under his leadership, the church has aimed to foster a congregation that is holy, mature, and capable of experiencing breakthroughs. His vision for the church is to transform communities, influence cities, and impact nations.

He is passionately dedicated to teaching and guiding church members to live by Kingdom of God values such as love, truth, honesty, justice, and holiness. He emphasizes equipping individuals to understand their purpose across seven key areas: spiritual and social engagement, family, business, education, government and politics, arts and entertainment, and media. He currently pastors a congregation of 14,000 members and 54 branch churches across Indonesia.

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