Chork Bopha
Hi everyone, my name Chork Bopha I have been more than 8y Experience & Practicing & Working on Warehouse management. There are many many key points. On Warehouse management Such as :
-Getting the goods into the warehouse properly
-To arrange the warehouse location according to the standard -Regular storage and quality control of goods
-Warehouse maintenance and cleaning
-The operation of goods in and out in accordance with the principles .
I believe all my sharing can help you all to get better job Done and move ur Business grow stronger & Stronger & keep ur income Stable & growing stronger . Businesses often face obstacles that hinder our business venture, not only can it cause us to become so big that some problems can cause us to become overwhelmed. Loss of career, honor, credit and facing the environment as well.
For this reason,i would like to share my own experience knowledge for all business that need to arrange & Control & manage the warehouse. I hope that these experiences will facilitate your work, provide additional knowledge and capital to pave the way for everyone who wants to start & Control & manage the business . And those who already have a business in hand to facilitate our work even better.