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Mirna Prasaja

Currently I'm holding 2nd Degree Black Belt of Kukkiwon. I have been practicing Tae Kwon Do since I was 13 years old. I competed in Regional and National Championships, represented DKI Jakarta province. Achieved a Silver Medal at National Sport Week (Pekan Olahraga Nasional - PON) in 1996.

I was trained in Indonesia Tae Kwo Do Training Center for 1997 SEA Games. I have teaching experience of more than fifteen years, working with toddlers, kids, teens and adults. Since 2013, I have been with Dojang Sosial to share my knowledge to students.

I'm also a health enthusiast. I had several health challenges such as asthma, sinusitis, high blood sugar level, high cholesterol, infection by Covid-19 Delta, and stroke. But I came back strong and would like to share the precious experience with you all.

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