Putu Deasy Ariastuti
Putu Deasy Ariastuti is an entrepreneur with a passion for dancing and once briefly trained in the martial art Perisai Diri, reaching the green stripe level. Deasy is also a singer and is often asked to be an MC.
In November 2008, Deasy had to undergo brainstem surgery for tuberculosis. As a result of the operation, she faced motor challenges and had some breathing difficulties. Initially, Deasy saw this as an obstacle. However, after attending the Value Your Life: Life Changing Bootcamp at Edunet, her mindset shifted; she no longer hid behind her health challenges.
Now, Deasy continues to grow, learning to discover her strengths within her limitations. She wishes to share her optimism, happiness, and gratitude with everyone. Today, Deasy has regained confidence and has established a business in event organizing, working with her team, NARADA.