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Theresia Tristini Boen

Hi, I am Theresia Tristini. My family and friends call me Tris. I am blessed with Autistic Child name Ryan. Ryan is born on March, 1999. So this channel is about my experience and journey as a mom to raise, help, guide, and support Ryan to live his life to the fullest. I can say it is a never ending learning for me and my family with ups and downs, fear, worries, confusion, mistakes, and guilt mixed with creativity, joy, happiness, gratefulness, and hope for the best for Ryan. Even until today we keep learning I hope this channel can help moms and parents with autistic child around the world to have hope, confidence, creativity, never give up, and grateful to have blessings from autistic kid(s). With hug, love, and respect to wonderful moms and parents, and to your wonderful kid(s) Tris.

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