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Wutthy Sethyka

Introduce Fullname: Wutty Sethyka My name Wutty Sethyka, 8y. I really love my study, i really like artist , walkshow, draw, singing, dancing ,Create something from box or paper for fun.....☺️

I will share my own experience how to get a good score at school . One of my strength is most of my time is reading book & I alway review all lesson before & after ,this is one of the KEY📚📖 . I will share my own experience how to stand on the stage Walkshow🫶 And

I believe that due Beauty go for beyond pass ability appearance to inspire other and about the confinence the ability to inspire other, belong to show my beauty, but also to share my inner strength and personal for making a positive impack to the world 🫶❤️ Dream it ! Believe it ! GOT IT ! ❤️

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