Global iLearning Movement
Global iLearning Movement. Our mission is simple: to foster a lifelong learning attitude globally. We offer high value, high benefits, and a super low cost. You gain exclusive access to live seminars and content from renowned speakers and coaches around the world. Typically, this could cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, but with the GiM concept, the cost is incredibly low—ONLY USD 2 PER MONTH! So everyone can learn from local and global experts. We not only provide a wide range of topics, subjects, knowledge, and skills. But also a lot of more benefits. Learning opportunities from both local and global experts, covering a wide selection of topics or subjects. Opportunities to connect with experts who offer special micro-certifications.
Need a specific skill to thrive in this new AI world? Our on-demand videos from star speakers are ready whenever you need them. Learn anytime, anywhere. Connect directly with our Channel Providers for personalized mentoring and coaching. Get the guidance you need to excel in your career. Personalized learning topics based on your profile through AI and big data. Translations provided by iBlooming’s in-house AI team, allowing learners to understand foreign experts in their own language. A variety of topics ranging from casual to professional. Flexibility to learn when and where you want. Skills that schools don’t teach, keeping pace with the AI era, and unlocking new opportunities for personal, financial growth, and holistic success. Please Stay Tuned !!
Di iBlooming, kami mendapat inspirasi dari proses iBlooming yang sifatnya dinamis dan transformatif. Bagaikan sekuntum bunga yang merekah untuk berbagi keindahannya dan memastikan masa depan, iBlooming adalah pintu gerbang Anda untuk berkembang di dunia edukasi dan bisnis online.
Dunia kita tercipta dengan warna yang berbeda-beda
Kita dapat melihat warna yang berbeda karena frekuensi gelombang elektromagnetiknya.
Dan warna yang berbeda mengikuti selaras dengan panjang gelombang cahaya yang berbeda-beda.
How Frequency affects human
Different colours and different frequencies can affect our sleep, mood and emotion, health.