Sumanti Paino: Bab 4 Saling kenalan (part 1)
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Bab 4 Saling kenalan (part 1)
Bab 4 Saling kenalan (part 1)_CHI
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Sumanti Paino: Bab 4 Saling kenalan (part 1)
Welcome to this course on Leading With Purpose. Let us grow together!
Make a cool tricycle for sister.
This video explain about visiting Europe Country with low budget such as transportation, food and hostel.
Module 1, “Embracing Happiness and Defining Your Vision,” sets the foundation for living your best life. Happiness is redefined as a journey, not a destination....
1. Module 1A, Episode 1 (Introducing to Logistics & Supply Chain Management) 2. Module 1A, Episode 2 (Introducing the role of Foreign Direct Investment) 3....
Learn from a frog, why can a frog jump high? When a frog is going to jump, it bends its body first, then with its...
What is the meaning of life? Sometimes we feel tired, feel meaningless, sometimes the life we live is too difficult and meaningless. So what should...
Effective People always enlarge the circle of positive influence. One of them is Honesty. How do we always fill the deposit of honesty in our...
Living Your Best Life: A Journey to Happiness & Fulfillment. Meet Course Director Olusola Adeyegbe and discover the transformative journey ahead.
“””Tell the world of His love”” For God so loved the world He gave us Him only Son Jesus Christ our Savior His most precious...
Des conseils faciles à appliquer pour intégrer une alimentation saine dans la vie de tous les jours, même avec un emploi du temps chargé. Easy-to-Apply...
The Chicken Tribe Leadership Discussion Obrolan santai hari ini adalah cerita mengenai keluhan seorang laki-laki muda di usia early 30s, karena merasa verbally intimidated oleh...
Human and Development “As Human
Positive Mindsets and Positive Heart Leading to Positive Action
The Key Methodology to Successfully Study
Introduce Professor Hor Bunleng
In this video you’ll learn a secret that is so powerful, millions of people use it daily, without even realizing how this process works.
In this video you’ll learn a thousands of years technique to manifest anything you want.
In this video you’ll learn how, in order to achieve any type of success, you must first WANT to be successful and so you must...
2. In this video you’ll learn how, having the right mindset you cannot lose in life, you will always WIN.
In this video you’ll learn how, no matter where you start and where you are today, if you believe in your dreams, you can one...
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
DIFFERENSIAL EKSPONEN merupakan differensial yg berhubungan dengan fungsi eksponen dan berhubungan dengan sifat parameter dan implicit
High-scoring learning methods
This video telling about how to traveling around the world with low budget cost.
This video telling about Learning How to Become Master of Ceremony ( MC ) Professional
This video about what is a secret to be brave and can be a good public speaker. In this video, i explain about basic secret...
第五段﹕冰山理論,可見的冰山只有5%,未能觸模的,總是更多,人就如冰山一讓,總會隠藏著很多未能看見的地方,你又想了解更多嗎?” Paragraph 5: Iceberg Theory Visible parts of an iceberg represent only 5% of its entirety. The unseen always outweighs the visible. Humans are like...
第四段﹕人生羅盤,性格與思維就用指南指一樣,引導你的行為,創做結果,但結困會盡如人意嗎? Paragraph 4: Life Compass Personality and mindset act like a compass, guiding your actions and shaping your outcomes. But do the results always meet...
第三段﹕生命探索,生命總有十分多範疇可以探索,並且管理,你又清楚自己在生命中在管理那幾個範疇? Paragraph 3: Life Exploration Life offers countless areas to explore and manage. Are you aware of the areas you are managing in your own...
第二段﹕行為別析,每個人都有自己獨特的行維模式,透過掌握自己的思維,為自己創造更多維的結果 Paragraph 2: Behavioral Analysis Everyone has their own unique behavioral patterns. By mastering your thought processes, you can create multidimensional outcomes for yourself.
第一段﹕自我簡介,在與別不同的道路中,尋找屬於自己的人生 Paragraph 1: Self-Introduction On a unique path, I strive to find a life that truly belongs to me.
Video ini adalah video edukasi bagaimana kita bisa belajar hal apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam kasus tindak pidana pembunuhan
MC adalah sebuah profesi yang akhir akhir ini semakin banyak di lirik oleh mereka yang tidak suka bekerja didalam sebuah keterikatan waktu, mereka yang lebih...
I am Dr MEN SARIN share the topic Mumps infection. Because this season is full of mumps and its complications that affect genetic health, I...
Video edukasi tentang indahnya indonesia timur , morotai
Video edukasi tentang apa saja yg ada di indonesia timur , ternate
Video edukasi tentang keindahaan surga bawah laut di pedalaman indonesia timur tepatnya di maluku utara
Video ini menceritakan pengalaman pribadi saya sebagai Induk Ayam dari The Chicken Tribe Leadership Discussion, dimana saya pada saat itu belum bisa membedakan antara memang...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
Introduction of Applied Acupuncture for Lay People with Holistic Approach, knowing the basic 1-2-3 of Acupuncture Principles.
Video ini menceritakan dari awal Patrisia menderita suatu penyakit langka. Suatu penyakit yang menyebabkan kelumpuhan, namun di video part 2 ini, Patrisia belum didiagnosa secara...
II – Grocery Shopping, meal planning and fast food 1-Don’t shop without a list 2- Stay away from diet foods 3-Cook at home more other...
I – Plating and spacing your meals step-by-step guide to a healthy plate 1-Stat by mentally dividing your plate 2-Give vegetables your leading role 3-Add...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
This is a sales course that will guide someone who has never been through professional training in sales get into a sales career and succeed...
Join me on this exciting 10 video journey as I unveil the core principles of inspired leadership. In this course, you’ll discover how a...
Video ini menceritakan Patrisia Ana Pantouw dari kecil sampai masa kuliah. Pelajaran yang didapat dari video ini adalah bahwa sebagai anak harus hormat pada orangtua.
Video ini menceritakan mengenai permasalahan umum pada fresh graduate atau junior associate yang merasa tidak mendapatkan appreciation dan recognition dari atasannya, sehingga ingin demo dengan...
Video ini bercerita mengenai perbedaan tugas dan tanggung jawab antara Komite Audit di bawah Dewan Komisaris vs Satuan Pengawas Internal/SKAI/internal auditor di bawah Manajemen. Termasuk...
Setelah create company culture maka harus ada proses untuk mengembangkan dan membangun company culture supaya mendukung bisnis tetap berkelanjutan secara jangka panjang. Dalam video ini...
Membangun budaya kerja yang yang positif memerlukan proses dan harus sejalan terhadap goal dan arah bisnis yang ingin dibangun. Dalam video ini akan dijelaskan proses...
Membangun NILAI (Values) Perusahaan atau Bisnis. Values adalah fondasi yang membuat visi bisnis menjadi nyata dan bisa dijalani sehari-hari. Dalam video ini akan memberikan tips...
Setiap leader butuh arah, dan arah itu muncul dari visi yang jelas. Setiap business owner perlu membuat visi supaya bisnis berjalan ke arah sesuai visi...
Foundations of Personal Support and Caregiving Introduction to Caregiving Principles and Ethics 1
Cooldown – Reach Out The Zumba Cooldown dance uses slow gentle movements and light stretches set to relaxing music, helping to lower heart rate, ease...
This style blends various Caribbean dance moves like reggae, dancehall and Soca, set to island beats. It’s a vibrant mix of hip isolations, body rolls...
Fitness Variation – Mood This variation combines Zumba dance movements with elements of other workouts like strength training, HIIT and creating a versatile routine that...
Soca – Lolo Zumba’s Soca Dance combines Caribbean Soca music with fast, joyful moves like hip shake, jump and quick footwork creating a high energy,...
Cumbia – Mujeron Zumba’s Cumbia Dance fusses traditional Colombian cumbia Steps with easy, repetitive movements for a fun, mid-tempo workout with a Latin flair.
Learn how to create, manage, and optimize Google Ads campaigns that deliver real results. This beginner-friendly course provides step-by-step guidance on targeting the right audience,...
Marketing funnel – what is it and what stages does it consist of
Websites – we study how to make a selling website
Unique selling proposition – we create our unique selling proposition
Analysis of competitors – we analyze competitors, their websites and unique selling propositions
Target audience – we define our clients
Types of contextual advertising and what it looks like
Video about the course, what it includes and what we will study
Salsa Cubaton – Yo Se En Lo Que Tu Estas
Electro Merengue – Celebrando This style blends traditional merengue dance steps with an energetic beat, creating a fast-paced, lively experience. With quick hip movements, footwork...
Zumba Warm-up #3: Sabrosura Sets the Rhythm: The Zumba Warm-up dance introduces the muscles, rhythm and gets participants in sync, setting an energetic tone for...
Zumba Warm-up #2: Aranca Loosens Muscles: A Zumba Warm-up Dance incorporates dynamic stretches and light movements helping to warm-up the major muscle groups and reduce...
Zumba Warm-up #1: Kumbala Gentle Start; A Zumba Warm-up gradually increases the heartrate with low impact, simple dance steps to prepare the body for more...
Effective Solutions for STRESS (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) to address that negative stress as early as possible so that we can experience relaxation, thereby reducing the...
3. Fruits#1 – Fruits, apple, avocado, banana, black grapes, green grapes, red grapes, durian, red dragonfruit,white dragonfruit, kiwifruit, snackfruit, starfruit, lemon, lime, mango, orange, papaya,...
2. Transportation#1 – Transportation, bicycle, car, taxi (3), motorcycle, bus (2), truck, train, airplane, helicopter (2), ship, boat, ambulance, police car, school bus, subway (2),...
1. Realtionships#1 – realtionships, male, female, man, woman, boy, girl, family, parent, father/dad, mother/mom, son, daughter, child, children, brother, sister, husband, wife, uncle, aunt, nephew,...
2. Learn American Sign Language (ASL)#15 – Rooms in the Home Objects, home, room (2), kitchen (2), bedroom, master bedroom, living room (2), sitting room,...
1. Learn American Sign Language (ASL)#14 – Animals#1 Animal, bear, bird, butterfly, beetle, bee, bull, buffalo, cat (2), dog, duck, chicken, cow, crab, clam, deer,...
Video ini memberikan tips dan tricks cara mengatasi rasa senewen atau nervous di saat harus melakukan presentasi, agar dapat melakukan presentasi dengan lancar dan baik....
Video ini membahas mengenai keluhan anak-anak muda yang kena “corporate culture shock”, merasa bossnya marah tanpa sebab, tidak menghargai waktu mereka dan berangan ingin resign...
Video ini menceritakan mengenai pentingnya “ICE BREAKING” dalam membuka komunikasi, dengan menggunakan formula: Being Humble, Menjaga Attitude dan 3 Steps dalam melakukannya, yaitu ORC: Observation,...
Video ini menceritakan mengenai seorang fresh graduate menerima first assigment dari kantornya, dan merasa khawatir untuk tidak mampu memberikan hasil yang “perfect”. Dan ibunya, kebetulan...
This video provides a basic definition and how the roles of a trainer, coach and mentor differ from one another
This video provides a short description of the basic meaning of the Term Coaching
This video describes how coaching conversation can add value and benefit coaching client’s.
This Video is about me and my philosophy in providing learning and development solutions.
This video is part of presentation in a Conference where I shared what my studies over the years shows Attitude is the main reasons Leaders...
Putu Deasy offers insights on how to overcome feelings of insecurity
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Strategy formula for trigonometric derivatives
Pinnacle level represents a lifetime of leadership. Leaders at this stage earn respect not just for their achievements, but for who they are and the...
People Development level, leaders achieve their greatest success by investing in and developing other leaders. By multiplying their influence through others, they build stronger teams...
Production level is crucial because it demonstrates a leader’s ability to achieve results and meet organizational goals. This stage builds credibility and influence, as people...
Permission level of leadership is critical because it focuses on building a strong foundation of trust, rapport, and respect. At this stage, people follow the...
Position Level of Leadership based solely on authority has limited power and sustainability. Leaders need to invest in personal growth, build relationships, and inspire others...
The concept of 5 Levels of Leadership written by John C. Maxwell. These levels represent the progression of leadership development, showing how leaders grow in...
Leadership is essential because it shapes the culture, drives performance, and ensures that a group or organization is resilient, adaptive, and able to achieve its...
Resilience is a competency difficult to develop but we can scan through our personality dynamics.
People often seek to assess Integrity, an intangible concept that can be approached to be seen from personality tendencies.
Awareness in ourself is the key to success. Even resilience can be detected.
Don’t give up before trying, as you may find yourself the victor by following this advice. Tough, perfectionist bosses aren’t strict without reason. They expect...
In every communication process, follow these three simple and effective steps to achieve your goals quickly and minimize friction, especially when handling sensitive information.
Women in top management positions is no longer a dream, nor are they placed there solely to meet gender quotas. If that were the case,...
To ensure that the prepared RKAP remains effective and relevant, a prognosis—a short-term forecast considering internal and external factors that may affect RKAP implementation—is essential....
In the process of preparing the Annual Budget and Work Plan (RKAP), many companies still focus solely on the financial aspects, viewing the Work Plan...
This video offers parents engaging activities to bond with their children while building practical skills. Kenneth Ng shares simple, hands-on projects that create memorable experiences...
Dive into the fun and lively world of clowning with Kenneth Ng’s guidance. This video teaches essential clown skills that are not only entertaining but...
In our life, sometimes uncertain. Many things happen in our life, something fun, or something sad. What do we do when we experience sadness? What...
Sometimes we as humans, always feel that we are the most correct, we feel the most right, we feel the most useful. We sometimes close...
Benefits of Reading book by 3x21Personal Growth Program
Memorize lessons quickly
How to do a dream boards
When you drink a cup of tea, a “team” of four super tea heroes going to different parts of your body to act their mission....
When you drink a cup of tea, a “team” of four super tea heroes going to different parts of your body to act their mission....
Rare Qualities of a Leader:* Being a leader is challenging. This video highlights the rare qualities that a leader must possess to be effective
High Salary or Work Aligned with Passion:* Many people face the dilemma of choosing between a job that aligns with their passion or one that...
Career Woman or Homemaker:* Every woman who is about to or is already married will face the choice between pursuing a career or focusing on...
Achieving Success with the Ikigai Concept:* There are many ways to achieve success. This video explores the Ikigai concept as a potential path to simplifying...
CYC 1 – Introducing Coach Yudi Candra:* In this video, Coach Yudi Candra introduces himself, discusses his experiences, and outlines what he will share in...
Beautiful foundation in 1 minutes How to use light & dark foundation as contour & highlights
Many people not aware how important of the color to chose for their event , especially they do not have to research all the meaning...
More than a lipstrick Many styles of lipstick
Is your boss making work tough? Learn smart strategies to stay empowered and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
Struggling with procrastination? Discover simple, actionable tips to break free and get things done—starting today!
Effective leaders handle conflict with confidence. Learn the key steps to defuse tension, resolve disputes, and lead your team through difficult times.
Great leaders don’t just lead—they raise other leaders. Find out how to identify potential and develop leadership within your own team.
Brace yourself for incredible growth in your leadership while on this platform. Sign up and let the journey begin.
This course is designed for individuals seeking to understand how to move beyond the effects of trauma and transform their pain into a source of...
This course is designed for parents who want to foster stronger, more engaged relationships with their children and avoid the pitfalls of absentee parenting. Parents...
This course is designed for individuals seeking to reconcile with their past and release the burden of pain through the power of forgiveness, by embracing...
This course is designed for individuals seeking to reconcile with their past and release the burden of pain through the power of forgiveness, by embracing...
How You Can Achieve In 3 Hours What others Can’t In 3 Days. Part 1/5: Introduction what AI is in non-technical terms and why you...
This module is all about shifting your perspective on pain. Rather than viewing pain as something to avoid or fear, you’ll explore how pain can...
This module is all about shifting your perspective on pain. Rather than viewing pain as something to avoid or fear, you’ll explore how pain can...
Titled: Happiness Blueprint: “Positive Prayer” Description: Discover the profound impact of positive prayer in this enlightening episode. While positive thinking uplifts, directing your prayers toward...
Titled:Happiness Blueprint: “Love Like Christ” Description: In this powerful episode, learn to love like Christ. Discover how true happiness emerges not from what is done...
Video four Happiness Blueprint: “Bring out the best in others” Description:In this exploration, we uncover how uplifting others enriches their lives and ignites our own...
Titled:Happiness Blueprint: Be Grateful Description: Dive into the power of gratitude and discover how choosing to focus on the positive aspects of your relationships can...
Titled:Happiness Blueprint: Introduction Description:Unveil the Happiness Blueprint—a powerful reminder that happiness is not a chance occurrence but a choice shaped by your thoughts and habits....
Sometimes we act just to act, sometimes we think just to think, sometimes because of our emotions we think far ahead. We want instant results…...
Sometimes we don’t pay attention to something small, sometimes we underestimate something small. But one important thing that we need to understand, sometimes something small...
Have you ever known about the “Kingdom Driven Church”? Are these some kind of steps or ways for Church growth? and is this helpful for...
Titled :The importance of mind Management Description: In a world filled with stress and distraction, managing your mind is vital for mental clarity and emotional...
Titled :”Feet, Your Mine” Description:feet your with God’s Word,” here we explore how Scripture nourishes our minds by like food for the soul. Discover the...
Titled: “Free your mind” Description: In this video, “Free Your Mind,” we explore essential strategies to release mental clutter and cultivate a healthy mindset. Discover...
Titled: “Focus your Mind” Description:here, we reveal three Christian insights to enhance your mental clarity and spiritual focus. Join us to strengthen your faith and...
The Impact of Stress The impact of stress can result in persistent lack of energy in the body, loss of appetite, headaches, and stomachaches. According...
Stress sources or stressors are actions, situations, or events that place specific demands on a person. Stress sources are also stressors, which are conditions, situations,...
Stress symptoms can be viewed from three factors: physiological, psychological, and behavioral. The physiological factor is marked by symptoms such as feeling tired, exhausted, dizzy,...
Stress is divided into 3 types: NEUTRAL, EUSTRESS, and DISTRESS. It seems like you didn’t provide any text to translate. Please provide the text you’d...
The short explanation about one technique in Neuro Linguistic Programming, i.e reframing. This technique can easily change our perception about the world, our problem, and...
Content is King, but delivery is God. Short explantion about How we structure our presentation effectively is essential, but how we deliver it also very...
Short explanation about the memorization techniques than can be utilized easily in everyday also business life.
The truth about the fear of doing public speaking. But on the other hand, it is one of the soft skill needed in business world.
Short description about Robert Stevan and what he does
Tung reveals the secret to fast wealth creation: providing value to others through your business.
Tung provides practical advice on staying energized during tough times. His straightforward tips are applicable to anyone, at any time.
Tung encourages the audience to make intentional life choices, leading to a meaningful and worry-free existence.
Tung shares practical tips on “hacking the brain” to cultivate a positive mindset. His easy-to-follow principles offer simple ways to keep your outlook optimistic.
Tung breaks down the concept of income in a concise and practical manner, offering inspiration to anyone looking to master financial intelligence.
Tung offers an engaging explanation of the Law of Nature, using a unique approach to highlight the importance of aligning our lifestyle with our financial...
Introduction and Spiritual Gifts: Begin by understanding the importance of recognizing your God-given spiritual gifts. Explore how these gifts can guide your path and purpose...
Heart Desires: Reflect on the desires God has placed in your heart. This section encourages you to seek alignment between your passions and God’s will,...
Personality: Examine how your unique personality traits, crafted by God, influence your relationships and interactions. Embrace the diversity of personalities within the Body of Christ.
Experiences: Consider your life experiences as part of God’s plan. This segment encourages you to find meaning in both trials and triumphs, recognizing how they...
Abilities: Acknowledge the talents and skills you possess as blessings from God. Learn how to leverage these abilities for service and fulfillment in your daily...
There are certain things in life that you should never apologize for, whether it is to yourself or to others, this is important for your...
If you feel that you are still stuck in life and unable to move forward, look into how things from your past might be stopping...
One of the rules of becoming wealthy is to decide that you want to be rich and wealth. It sounds simple enough yet most of...
5 Principles to live by for a successful life – Why these five principles have allowed me to be successful in life and how you...
Pay yourself 1st – A very important lesson for business owners and entrepreneurs to learn about wealth is to pay yourself first. Find out why.
Tribute Buat Para Perempuan Hebat!
Are you an authoritarian? Authoritarianism is not measured by toughness or physical violence. Rather, it is a strength of spirit that can influence and lead...
Third, emotions are God’s creation. We enjoy life with our emotions. However, being emotional means excess emotions. Under or over-expressed emotions lead to an uncertain...
The past is behind us. But are we still shackled and imprisoned by our past? The past can be traumatic and impressive experiences, but it...
The past is behind us. But are we still shackled and imprisoned by our past? The past can be traumatic and impressive experiences, but it...