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Bertua Handayani Sirait

Handa holds a bachelor's degree from IPB University, Indonesia. She began her career as an assistant manager in the food and beverage industry for three years before moving to the financial industry as an internal auditor for nearly 12 years, eventually becoming a senior manager in a commercial bank. Certified in life and health insurance, Handa values work-life balance and discovered the transformative benefits of yoga, which alleviated her menstrual cramps and improved her sleep.

She pursued her passion for yoga, completing 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training programs, along with an 85-hour prenatal yoga training. Initially teaching yoga part-time, Handa eventually left her auditing role to become a full-time yoga instructor. She now teaches private, corporate, and mega gym classes in Jakarta, specializing in hatha and vinyasa yoga with a focus on alignment and the use of props. Handa also caters to special needs individuals, including pregnant women, the elderly, and those with various health conditions. She has been teaching yoga for almost seven years.

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