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Annual Freedom Celebration ( AFC ) FFG kali ini diselenggarakan di Yaounde Kamerun Afrika. Acara dikutin Ribuan peserta dari seluruh penjuru Afrika, kurang lebih dari 50 Negara di Afrika.

Event ini berlangsung sangat Megah dan Inspiratif !

Annual Freedom Celebration ( AFC ) FFG kali ini diselenggarakan di Yaounde Kamerun Afrika. Acara dikutin Ribuan peserta dari seluruh penjuru Afrika, kurang lebih dari 50 Negara di Afrika.

Event ini berlangsung sangat Megah dan Inspiratif !

Annual Freedom Celebration ( AFC ) FFG kali ini diselenggarakan di Yaounde Kamerun Afrika. Acara dikutin Ribuan peserta dari seluruh penjuru Afrika, kurang lebih dari 50 Negara di Afrika.

Event ini berlangsung sangat Megah dan Inspiratif !

Ivan Tsui

Meet Ivan Tsui, a Hong Kong native now residing in Malaysia. With 30+ years dedicated to Chinese Yijing, he’s a seasoned numerology expert. As a coach at Shuyi, he’s impacted over 3000 students, guiding them on paths of self-discovery and personal growth. Ivan’s expertise in Yijing and transformative coaching at Shuyi showcase his commitment to ancient wisdom, making him a respected figure in the field.

For more information:
Shuyi Culture International Puchong

About the Course

The Chinese Yijing, also known as the I Ching or Book of Changes, is an ancient divination text and one of the oldest Chinese classic texts. It consists of 64 hexagrams, each composed of six stacked horizontal lines. Users consult the Yijing by casting a set of coins or sticks to generate a hexagram.
Each hexagram is associated with a specific interpretation and provides guidance on various aspects of life, including decision-making, relationships, and personal growth. The Yijing has been a significant source of wisdom and inspiration in Chinese philosophy and culture for over 3,000 years.

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