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Robert Stevan

Robert Stevan is a multi-talented entertainer, life coach, and healing therapy practitioner who blends the art of performance with personal transformation in his training.

With a master degree in business and a background in corporate roles, Robert's true passion emerged in the realm of Mind Magic—leading him to dive into the human mind. His talent quickly earned him spots on national TV, including appearances in Indonesia’s National Television such as RCTI, TransTV and Metro TV, as well as participation in prestigious competitions, eg : Indonesia’s Got Talent.

Along with his career, Robert discovered a deeper purpose: teaching. He pursued certifications in soft skills training, such as Public Speaking, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Coaching, colaborating his expertise in entertainment with training. This unique fusion allowed him to merge the art of magic with other disciplines like archery, creating captivating experiences in training for clients that both educate and inspire.

Today, Robert expands his offerings beyond entertainment and training. He now guides individuals on their journeys of personal growth through healing therapies, tarot readings, and metaphysical insights—empowering people to unlock their full potential in every aspect of life.

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