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Seng Takakneary

SENG Takakneary has dedicated her life to building up the economic independent of Cambodian woman and bringing back the Cambodian Silk – making industry since 2004.The journey has been long but well worth the effort .As the founder of Sento Sa Silk I have struggle for over 20 years with bringing innovation business ideas to the Cambodian silk making-industry SentoSaSilk also achieved extraordinary success in 2014 the innovative silk design in lifestyle and fashion was recognized in Japan with the Mekong selection Good design Award by Japanese institute in Japan , G Mark has acknowledged over 50 countries and also by the world bank has included SentoSaSilk to be part of craft network ( one of the world Bank Project ). With IBLOOMING Takakneary finds hope and happiness, prosperity and abundantly in her business work and in her life.

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