An account make you freedom in life if you do the right way
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An account make you freedom in life if you do the right way
Welcome to this course on Leading With Purpose. Let us grow together!
Is it okay to have debt? Yes, as long as it meets the 3 criteria of healthy or productive debt. Utang itu boleh gak sih?...
Want to grow your assets? First, understand the types of assets to ensure what you accumulate aligns with your future goals. Mau nambah harta, yuk...
Be careful not to make mistakes with your expenses. Learn how to manage spending with the 10-20-30-40 concept. Awas jangan sampai salah dalam melakukan...
Want to increase your income? Let’s first understand the 3 types of income known as the Double Triple Plus concept. Mau nambah pemasukan atau...
People say financial planning is complicated! But Andreas Hartono has a simple method where you only need to manage cash flow and balance sheets. ...
How do you know if you’re surrounding yourself with the right people. It’s super simple. You take a look at the five people you spend...
4. Don’t speak negatively to yourself, thought. Even if it’s just a joke, your body and your subconscious mind do not know the difference between...
3. Why you are not getting What you Want in Life. It’s really simple actually it’s because you are focusing on what you don’t want....
2. Just don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do, can or can’t achieve. Just don’t allow it. Just do not allow...
1. Practice makes What? Practice makes Perfect? Absolutely not dismantlement that belief system. Practice makes improvement. You can always better your best. You can always...
Find your unique purpose by aligning your passions and values with your goals. This course helps you set meaningful intentions and create a life filled...
Learn how to conquer self-doubt by identifying limiting beliefs and building confidence. This course provides actionable strategies to transform negative patterns into a positive mindset.
Uncover gratitude’s transformative power as a core principle of this course. Discover techniques to embrace life’s blessings, build resilience, and find joy in everyday moments.
Learn how this course equips you with tools for happiness and fulfilment. Explore modules like “Mastering Your Mind” and “Finding Balance” to define your vision,...
1. Discover how Olusola Adeyegbe, a seasoned legal expert and motivational author, combines decades of experience to guide you toward unlocking your fullest potential through...
Discover three key strategies to build strong collaboration, enhance communication, and achieve success as a team.
Discover three key strategies to build strong collaboration, enhance communication, and achieve success as a team.
Explore the four fundamental principles that contribute to Cambodia’s economic growth and development.
Explore the four fundamental principles that contribute to Cambodia’s economic growth and development.
Cambodia is a national and international business network
Visualization technique & Affirmation technique
5. Objective of mental training, goal setting for athletes
4. What is mental training for athletes, goals and benefits
A guidance to do self hypnotherapy technique step by step
What clinical hypnotherapy is and its benefits
Video about my background and the work I do
Using the right intonation and word stresses when reading in English Language.
4. Teaching comprehension skills to children and learners of English language.
The importance of ‘sight words’ when learning how to read.
Why I started an Online Reading Club for young children.
The joys and advantages of building a reading habit in children from early ages.
Human and Development “As Human
Positive Mindsets and Positive Heart Leading to Positive Action
The Key Methodology to Successfully Study
Introduce Professor Hor Bunleng
Proccess of a fantasy makeup for the customer. Free ✅
showcase the character makeup. Free✅
Engageing with People to beware adn learn more about Breast Cancer. Free ✅
Engageing with People to beware adn learn more about Breast Cancer. Free ✅
Engageing with People to beware adn learn more about Breast Cancer. Free ✅
Showcase the face paitning and singing). Free ✅
5. Music has the role of healing
Performance Concerts (Band) Performances, music arrangements for various events.
3. Educate the arts through music
2. Learn the skills about Flute Tool .
Him Savy was born in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia. Her father died when she was five years old during the Pol Pot regime. Her first...
“”Who am I?”” is a question we often ponder and doubt. Join us as we explore effective strategies for self-discovery and personal growth.
Introduce about Who I Am. My Background, My Interest, My Passion
This Video Telling about Tips and Trick become Public Speaking Recipe by Me
This video telling about Prepararation when you want to go Traveling
This Video telling about Sneak and Peak Tips How To Become Master of Ceremony Professional
This Video telling about Sneak Peak and Tips and Trick Low Budget Traveling Around The World
Financial wellbeing goes beyond just the amount of money we possess. Join us as we delve into the broader aspects of financial health and how...
Explore the various types of relationships we encounter in life and gain insights into building and maintaining healthy connections.
3. Good physical health begins with the food we consume daily. What are the important and healthy food options? Are they expensive? Learn how to...
Everyone wishes for happiness and wellbeing. But what does wellbeing truly mean? Learn more how WELL Academy is dedicated to promoting wellbeing for everyone.
In this video you’ll learn a secret that is so powerful, millions of people use it daily, without even realizing how this process works.
In this video you’ll learn a thousands of years technique to manifest anything you want.
In this video you’ll learn how, in order to achieve any type of success, you must first WANT to be successful and so you must...
2. In this video you’ll learn how, having the right mindset you cannot lose in life, you will always WIN.
In this video you’ll learn how, no matter where you start and where you are today, if you believe in your dreams, you can one...
4. Leadership is the ability to influence others to achieve a shared vision, drive meaningful change, and develop new leaders. A true leader possesses influence,...
3. The HR management framework encompasses stages ranging from the most basic, such as industrial relations and personnel management, to modern aspects like talent management,...
2. Brian Tracy defines talent with the SWAN characteristics: Smart, Work hard, Aggressive, and Nice, encompassing intelligence, hard work, aggressiveness in achieving targets, and a...
1. Human resource management (HRM) in Indonesia originated as personnel management in the 1980s to 2000s, dominated by law graduates, and later evolved into HRM...
第五段﹕冰山理論,可見的冰山只有5%,未能觸模的,總是更多,人就如冰山一讓,總會隠藏著很多未能看見的地方,你又想了解更多嗎?” Paragraph 5: Iceberg Theory Visible parts of an iceberg represent only 5% of its entirety. The unseen always outweighs the visible. Humans are like...
第四段﹕人生羅盤,性格與思維就用指南指一樣,引導你的行為,創做結果,但結困會盡如人意嗎? Paragraph 4: Life Compass Personality and mindset act like a compass, guiding your actions and shaping your outcomes. But do the results always meet...
第三段﹕生命探索,生命總有十分多範疇可以探索,並且管理,你又清楚自己在生命中在管理那幾個範疇? Paragraph 3: Life Exploration Life offers countless areas to explore and manage. Are you aware of the areas you are managing in your own...
第二段﹕行為別析,每個人都有自己獨特的行維模式,透過掌握自己的思維,為自己創造更多維的結果 Paragraph 2: Behavioral Analysis Everyone has their own unique behavioral patterns. By mastering your thought processes, you can create multidimensional outcomes for yourself.
第一段﹕自我簡介,在與別不同的道路中,尋找屬於自己的人生 Paragraph 1: Self-Introduction On a unique path, I strive to find a life that truly belongs to me.
Video 5 : Video edukasi bagaimana menghadapi dept collector” Video 5: How to Deal with Debt Collectors
Video 4 : Video edukasi tips bagaimana cara menghadapi kredit macet Video 4: Tips to Handle Bad Credit
Video 3 : Video edukasi tentang lepas riba itu HAPPY Video 3: Educational Video: The Joy of Living Riba-Free
Video 2 : Video edukasi tips bagaimana cara agar bisa lepas riba Video 2: Educational Tips: How to Break Free from Riba
Video 1: Introduction: What is DLR?
Video 5: Educational Video – Why an MC Must Be On-Time to Ensure the Event Follows the Rundown Smoothly
Video 4: Educational Video – The Importance of an MC’s Attractive Appearance for Different Events
Video 3: Educational Video – An MC Must Be Smart and Adaptive for Every Event They Lead
Video 2: Why an MC Must Have a Great Entertaining Spirit and Be Humble
This video explains who can receive legal assistance and how to find help when encountering legal problems.
This video discusses what needs to be prepared when facing legal issues.
This video highlights the importance of legal education, not just for professionals but for ordinary people as well.
This video explains the basics of legal knowledge and law from Mr. Herwanto’s perspective.
The real value of daily life of human being in the societies is a Logistics Activities, No Logistics Activities the world will become a desert...
In term of human society, if No Logistics, No Supply Chain, No Supply Chain, No civilization.
His Passion & Vision is to keep his over 30 years with real practical experiences as legacy for the young generation .
To share an over 30 years with real practical experiences in Logistics & Supply Chain industry.
TITH Sela, Director of Training Logistics Center (TLC), is a seasoned trainer and consultant in Logistics & Supply Chain Management with over 30 years of...
This video introduces Mr. Herwanto.
Video 1: Introduction Video – Famous Indonesian MC, Aditya Saputra
Discover Hidden Natural Wonders of Eastern Indonesia
Adhan Tips Video by Cupink Topan
History and Beauty of Eastern Indonesia by Bang Cupink Topan
Ada banyak sekali tempat di indonesia timur yang indah dengan berbagai keanekaragaman keindahan dan sejarah disetiap tempat. There are many beautiful places in Eastern Indonesia,...
Introduction Video of Cupink Topan
It’s easy to give up when you take action, but it won’t take you anywhere. Remember there is no failure, only process.
4. Your mind plays a tricky part in your success. Your mind holds your future success and don’t let others control who you are
What is the difference between motion and action? You will find it here.
Too much frustration and fantasy won’t help you to achieve success. Evaluation and action does.
This video explians about what is TSB Method.
This video explains about what is Rantai Gajah and how to cut off it, continue from video before.
This video explains about what is Rantai Gajah and how to cut off it.
This Video about a key for being a success at Public Speaking. There are two keynotes for being a success public speaking, cut off Rantai...
This Video about Introduction of myself.
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
LaSo’Coach is a nutrition and well-being program designed to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. The program typically focuses on personalized nutrition...
This video briefly introduces the speaker and his background including his passion in sharing what it means for your business to look after not only...
This video expands the Marketing Mix from 4P to 7P, including People, Process and Physical Evidence.
This video elaborates what Marketing Mix (4P) is all about. It looks at the importance of not only Product, Price, Promotion but also Place or...
This video shares the concept of Marketing Mix, consisting of Product, Price, Place and Promotion (4P), but sometimes it is extended with additional 3 P,...
This video gives you some insights about the importance of core business and why businesses exist today.
Dimas Shares Tips and Tricks on Becoming a Property Agent
The Usage of Surat Kuasa Menjual (Authorization to Sale) in Property to Get More Income
Dimas Explains the Terms of Secondary and Primary in the Property Business
Dimas Shares the Way to Get Good Property at a Cheaper Price
Dimas Explains the Way to Get Big Income from Property
Vid 5: Practicing Community Policing in Your Community Promoting partnership between law enforcement and residents creates trust, enhances safety, and addresses community concerns collaboratively, fostering...
Vid 4: Safety and Security in the Neighborhood Building trust, fostering vigilance, and encouraging collaboration among residents strengthen community safety, ensuring a peaceful and secure...
Vid 3: Effective Communication Clear, empathetic, and active listening fosters understanding, resolves conflicts, and builds meaningful connections in personal and professional relationships, ensuring messages are...
Vid 2: Retirement Financial Confidence Achieving peace of mind by planning early, saving consistently, and making smart investments ensures a stress-free retirement, with financial resources...
Vid 1: Financial Literacy Understanding money management, budgeting, saving, investing, and debt reduction empowers individuals to make informed decisions, achieve financial goals, and build lasting...
Monica Silvia will teach how to create simple flower arrangement in Korean Style
Monica Silvia explains element is flower arrangement to make flower arrangement looks great and beautiful.
3. Monica Silvia will explain the types of arranged flower commonly known by public : bouquet, Vase Flower, Standing Flower, Dome Flower, and Frame Flower...
Monica Silvia will explain the types of flower commonly used in flower arrangement, ie Fresh Flower, Preserved Flower and Artificial Flower with their advantage and...
Monica Silvia, Master Florist will explain why you must try to do flower arrangement. Starting with explaining the meaning and how it can benefit you.
How to use brush & beauty blender better
Face Painting, SFX makeup
Achievement Face Painting
Cambodia ( Face Painting Version)
Wellness is for everyone—no complicated routines required! In this video, we’ll look at how small actions, like enjoying fresh foods and taking time to recharge,...
Thinking about a detox-friendly lifestyle? Start with small steps! This video covers simple ways to bring detoxing into your routine—no strict rules needed. I’ll share...
Did you know that common ingredients like lemon, spinach, and ginger can support detoxing? In today’s video, I’ll show you how natural ingredients can help...
Every day, our bodies handle stress, processed foods, and pollution—which can weigh us down over time. In this video, I discuss why detoxing is important...
Welcome! I’m Ly Sreytheang, and I’m passionate about health and wellness. In this video, I’ll introduce myself and share why detoxing with natural ingredients is...
Start teaching your children the Word of God from a young age so that it becomes ingrained in them for a lifetime.
Our actions reveal our inner beliefs; therefore, we should let the power of God’s Word shape us.
Through our deep comprehension of God’s Word, we find purpose and live out our faith.
We demonstrate our love for God by wholeheartedly believing in and practicing His teachings.
Loving God is a divine command to His people and followers, embodying His way in our daily lives.
In Indonesia, many HR performance scoring practices are forced to fit a bell curve. This is clearly a failure in HR management for those companies.
For the company’s business to succeed, all employees must be at the “Able” and “Willing” levels to produce outcomes. If many human resources have yet...
Companies are undoubtedly pleased when all human resources have high potential. However, potential without outcome means the company does not achieve its business targets.
Transformation in Organization Capital and Human Capital Management is required to enhance ROI for the company’s business.
Companies in Indonesia have Core Values to unify behavior amidst diversity. Implementation management is needed to foster work behaviors aligned with these Core Values.
This video provides a basic definition and how the roles of a trainer, coach and mentor differ from one another
This video provides a short description of the basic meaning of the Term Coaching
This video describes how coaching conversation can add value and benefit coaching client’s.
This Video is about me and my philosophy in providing learning and development solutions.
This video is part of presentation in a Conference where I shared what my studies over the years shows Attitude is the main reasons Leaders...
Putu Deasy shares her story of how she overcame the desire for constant perfection or perfectionism.
Putu Deasy discusses how an introverted person can use their inner strength as an advantage.
Putu Deasy talks about her tips on accepting her own limitations and turning them into strengths.
Putu Deasy shares how she transformed the fear she felt into a strength to take action.
Putu Deasy offers insights on how to overcome feelings of insecurity
Im Dr Men Sarin and I am a General Surgeon
A simple knowledge for the general public how to know about ague Appendicitis?
Right iliac fossa pain for ague appendicitis is the specific sign of it
Some of digestive sign in appendicitis
Conclusion oll signs of Appendicitis
Based on our Royal Javanese Ancestors , the Human being are consist of 5 elements. The Element are , Earth , Wind , Fire Water ...
Those platform are Sangkan Paraning Dumadi ( Who am I , Where am I coming from , Where am I going to at the end)...
Based on our Royal Javanese ancestors , we could tapped our passion , love , positive & Caring positive unconditional love just like our Mom...
Based on our Royal Javanese ancestors , we could tapped our Leadership , bravery , Heroism , Worcoholic attitude just like our dad by synchronized...
Basically its an introduction of my self as a Professional Educator in Human capital Management. For instance my soft skill are on Leadership , Salesmanship...
This video presents to us the health benefits of drinking lukewarm water early in the morning. This Lukewarm water improves our central nervous system functioning....
Micronutrients are nutrients required by the body in lesser amounts, but are still essential for carrying out bodily functions. They are divided into four categories:...
Nutrients that are needed in large amounts are called macronutrients. There are three classes of macronutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. These can be metabolically processed...
The video tells us basically the seven types of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.They are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins,...
This video presents to us the health benefits of drinking lukewarm water early in the morning. This Lukewarm water improves our central nervous system functioning....
a brief reminder of the importance of maintaining cash flow in our business
a brief explanation of what should be in a financial statement
a brief explanation of who Ciwi is
a brief explanation of why it is important to have a good financial statement
a brief appeal for business people and young professionals to build relationships and networks from the start
Pinnacle level represents a lifetime of leadership. Leaders at this stage earn respect not just for their achievements, but for who they are and the...
People Development level, leaders achieve their greatest success by investing in and developing other leaders. By multiplying their influence through others, they build stronger teams...
Production level is crucial because it demonstrates a leader’s ability to achieve results and meet organizational goals. This stage builds credibility and influence, as people...
Permission level of leadership is critical because it focuses on building a strong foundation of trust, rapport, and respect. At this stage, people follow the...
Position Level of Leadership based solely on authority has limited power and sustainability. Leaders need to invest in personal growth, build relationships, and inspire others...
The concept of 5 Levels of Leadership written by John C. Maxwell. These levels represent the progression of leadership development, showing how leaders grow in...
Leadership is essential because it shapes the culture, drives performance, and ensures that a group or organization is resilient, adaptive, and able to achieve its...
Resilience is a competency difficult to develop but we can scan through our personality dynamics.
People often seek to assess Integrity, an intangible concept that can be approached to be seen from personality tendencies.
Awareness in ourself is the key to success. Even resilience can be detected.
Don’t give up before trying, as you may find yourself the victor by following this advice. Tough, perfectionist bosses aren’t strict without reason. They expect...
In every communication process, follow these three simple and effective steps to achieve your goals quickly and minimize friction, especially when handling sensitive information.
Women in top management positions is no longer a dream, nor are they placed there solely to meet gender quotas. If that were the case,...
To ensure that the prepared RKAP remains effective and relevant, a prognosis—a short-term forecast considering internal and external factors that may affect RKAP implementation—is essential....
In the process of preparing the Annual Budget and Work Plan (RKAP), many companies still focus solely on the financial aspects, viewing the Work Plan...
Let’s continue exploring the Deep People ebook. Now, let’s dive into “Confidence and Credibility.” For me, this is very important, and I’m sure...
Let’s open the next chapter in the Deep People ebook: Innovation. Ah, this is not an easy thing to do. But innovation is indeed...
I remember clearly that I wanted to become a specialist, so at that time, I created the website The purpose was to write down...
Competing requires a lot of things, starting with skills and abilities. Then there’s the need to develop ourselves within our professional world or workplace. ...
A “Deep Person” generally refers to someone who is introspective, thoughtful, and reflective. Such individuals tend to think deeply about life and their personal experiences....
What are the Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches?
Explain the steps and requirements to establish the Luck pillars.
Teach how to convert the birth data – 25/9/2023 @11.30am into 4 Heavenly stems and 4 Earthly branches.
Teach how to use The Thousand year calendar to establish your birthday into Chinese eight characters comprising the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.
Maureen Chu is an accredited feng shui master specializing in combining the 5 elements, health, and Chinese Tea therapy, aiming to educate future generations on...
Rare Qualities of a Leader:* Being a leader is challenging. This video highlights the rare qualities that a leader must possess to be effective
High Salary or Work Aligned with Passion:* Many people face the dilemma of choosing between a job that aligns with their passion or one that...
Career Woman or Homemaker:* Every woman who is about to or is already married will face the choice between pursuing a career or focusing on...
Achieving Success with the Ikigai Concept:* There are many ways to achieve success. This video explores the Ikigai concept as a potential path to simplifying...
CYC 1 – Introducing Coach Yudi Candra:* In this video, Coach Yudi Candra introduces himself, discusses his experiences, and outlines what he will share in...
Is your boss making work tough? Learn smart strategies to stay empowered and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.
Struggling with procrastination? Discover simple, actionable tips to break free and get things done—starting today!
Effective leaders handle conflict with confidence. Learn the key steps to defuse tension, resolve disputes, and lead your team through difficult times.
Great leaders don’t just lead—they raise other leaders. Find out how to identify potential and develop leadership within your own team.
Brace yourself for incredible growth in your leadership while on this platform. Sign up and let the journey begin.
This video will present the four reasons why you should choose TikTok as a platform to market your products or services.
This video briefly describes the rising popularity of TikTok among users in Cambodia, which is rapidly gaining interest.
This video highlights the most popular social networks among users in Cambodia, especially the statistics of users on each platform. These data will help marketers...
This video shows statistics about Cambodia’s total population, internet users, social media users, and the number of social media accounts in Cambodia. These are crucial...
My name is Hem Sarith, founder and CEO of Shem Creation. I completed my studies in Information Technology and Computer Science in 2002 and earned...
Indonesia’s Traditional Wedding : Betawi Wedding This video is a captivating sneak peek video of the rich cultural heritage of Betawi wedding
This video will present the four reasons why you should choose TikTok as a platform to market your products or services.
This video briefly describes the rising popularity of TikTok among users in Cambodia, which is rapidly gaining interest.
This video highlights the most popular social networks among users in Cambodia, especially the statistics of users on each platform. These data will help marketers...
This video shows statistics about Cambodia’s total population, internet users, social media users, and the number of social media accounts in Cambodia. These are crucial...
My name is Hem Sarith, founder and CEO of Shem Creation. I completed my studies in Information Technology and Computer Science in 2002 and earned...
Maybe people have misunderstandings that old tea and fine wine are the same, and that the older the better.
Why do some people experience stomach discomfort and pain after drinking tea?
Learn basic tea knowledge and basic tea brewing skills on a daily basis. Never think that you already understand tea !
Teamaster May’s vision is not only to drink tea, but also to promote cultural exchanges, environmental protection, and people’s health and happiness through tea.
What led Teamaster May to pursue tea education and industry?
The short explanation about one technique in Neuro Linguistic Programming, i.e reframing. This technique can easily change our perception about the world, our problem, and...
Content is King, but delivery is God. Short explantion about How we structure our presentation effectively is essential, but how we deliver it also very...
Short explanation about the memorization techniques than can be utilized easily in everyday also business life.
The truth about the fear of doing public speaking. But on the other hand, it is one of the soft skill needed in business world.
Short description about Robert Stevan and what he does
Tung reveals the secret to fast wealth creation: providing value to others through your business.
Tung provides practical advice on staying energized during tough times. His straightforward tips are applicable to anyone, at any time.
Tung encourages the audience to make intentional life choices, leading to a meaningful and worry-free existence.
Tung shares practical tips on “hacking the brain” to cultivate a positive mindset. His easy-to-follow principles offer simple ways to keep your outlook optimistic.
Tung breaks down the concept of income in a concise and practical manner, offering inspiration to anyone looking to master financial intelligence.
Tung offers an engaging explanation of the Law of Nature, using a unique approach to highlight the importance of aligning our lifestyle with our financial...
Why creativity is important in this AI era?
Why parents should use the right communication ways with their children to foster a closer relationship?
Why parents should send their children to kindergarten which have thinking courses?
In this video, I stated that transformation comes into our lives through a process called discipleship. This is my motivation of writing over 30 books...
In this video I am trying to let the world know the purpose of marriage. Marriage has purpose just like any other thing on planet...
DSMA is the abbreviation for Dominion Singles & Married Academy. This is an online relationship and marriage school where we build healthy homes. This school...
In this video, I just presented myself. According to the video, I am a certified marriage counselor, coach and trainer. I do a lot of...
In this video I presented one thing that our relationship school or our marriage ministry seeks to address. We want to reduce as much as...
There are certain things in life that you should never apologize for, whether it is to yourself or to others, this is important for your...
If you feel that you are still stuck in life and unable to move forward, look into how things from your past might be stopping...
One of the rules of becoming wealthy is to decide that you want to be rich and wealth. It sounds simple enough yet most of...
5 Principles to live by for a successful life – Why these five principles have allowed me to be successful in life and how you...
Pay yourself 1st – A very important lesson for business owners and entrepreneurs to learn about wealth is to pay yourself first. Find out why.
While you’re still healthy, Fitnessmania, maintaining it becomes EASY and AFFORDABLE. Health is a REQUIREMENT, not a goal. Our desire to create joy for those...
Brushing teeth isn’t a program, taking a bath isn’t a program, likewise, DIET and Exercise aren’t programs… they’re part of our daily lifestyle… a REQUIREMENT....
Our body is the accumulation of the food (nature) we consume. The source, preparation, timing, and quantity of what we eat determine whether we get...
Health doesn’t need promotions, Fitnessmania… If we become aware of it, when we are ‘Health Smart’ and know how to maintain health, being healthy becomes...
Unlock the Power of 9-Year Cycles for a Prosperous Life Unveil the patterns of history as it repeats every 9 years, and gain a comprehensive...
Set an intention for what we truly want, not just avoiding pain, but embracing “HEALTH is ME!” Seek information that promotes independence, not dependence, and...
Master Your Life Through Numbers! Discover the power of numerology in the “Know Your Numbers, Know Yourself” Book. Unleash your strengths, conquer weaknesses, and shape...
Ignite Your Destiny with the Power of Numbers Unleash the full potential of your life and dive into the mystical world of Numbers and discover...
Every Speaker, experts, Author, can turn their skill and knowledge into passive income machine, these are the three simple steps
How to Transform your current Presentation into Profit Making Presentation? These are the three secrets for Profit Speaking Presentation
To Increase Closing conversion in Your presentation, You should use Closing Triggers. These are the 3 Magical Closing Triggers that will help you increase your...
In order to Start a Powerful Presentation, all speakers should diffuse Audience defense System. These 3 Powerful Opening sentences will do the job
Every Profitable Presentation should Follow this 5 Steps Frameworks which is 5K *Konek (Connect) *Konten (Content) *Komponen (Component) *Klosing (Closing) *Kuesioner (FAQ)
Are you an authoritarian? Authoritarianism is not measured by toughness or physical violence. Rather, it is a strength of spirit that can influence and lead...
Third, emotions are God’s creation. We enjoy life with our emotions. However, being emotional means excess emotions. Under or over-expressed emotions lead to an uncertain...
The past is behind us. But are we still shackled and imprisoned by our past? The past can be traumatic and impressive experiences, but it...
The past is behind us. But are we still shackled and imprisoned by our past? The past can be traumatic and impressive experiences, but it...
Being stubborn is similar to having a hard heart. Are you someone with strong willpower, or are you just stubborn? What is the difference between...
My name is Vart Van. I am from Prey Veng Province and currently living in Phnom Penh City. Art is my passion and inspiration. I...
100years traditonal oufits to Princess Buppha Devi Dance School by Vart Van
Using Lipstick as blush/eyeshadow/eyeliner/face painting
The Competition & challenge show: Show Cambodia to the World spend 8 hours face Painting .
Makeup more than 5 hours by Van Vart on September/17 /2023-2024
Curious about what’s next for AI in education? In this video, we explore futuristic possibilities like virtual reality classrooms, AI mentors, and global learning networks....
Let’s talk ethics! As we embrace AI in education, it’s important to address challenges like data privacy and bias. This video explores the ethical considerations...
Imagine a classroom where lessons adapt to your needs! This video explains how AI personalizes learning by analyzing student performance in real-time. Learn how AI...
Small interval melody and jumping melody
Melody on beat or in the middle
The benefit of singing
The right way to help in preparing pension money
I am Rev. Dr. Yonathan Wiryohadi, shepherding World Transformation Church with a focus on creating a strong church through discipleship. We provide discipleship classes to...
How do we build a strong church? Not just by increasing numbers, but by ensuring spiritual growth. A strong church is marked by the spiritual...
🎥 The Secret to Building a Strong Church! 🎥 How to build a strong and growing church? In this video, There are 4 practical...
To build a church that fulfils the Kingdom of Heaven’s agenda, members cannot just rely on Sunday sermons. They need to be discipled through cell...
✨ The Importance of Carecell for Spiritual Growth ✨ Every member needs to be included in a cell group, we call it a carecell. Carecell...
This second video explains the aspect of competence, which is knowledge. This aspect of knowledge is important for enhancing students’ ability to express creative ideas,...
The first video explains the aspects of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and learning experiences that individuals need to achieve career development.
The third video explains about skills, specifically soft and hard skills. Soft skills include leadership, interpersonal relationships, time management, adaptability, and problem-solving. Meanwhile, hard skills...
The fourth video explains about a positive attitude, such as helping to build good relationships, enhancing mutual trust, understanding, and support. This will be reflected...
his sixth video explains about learning experiences that are expressed in written works, including the books: “”Industrial and Organizational Psychology”” and “”Leadership from an Organizational...
The fourth video explains about a positive attitude, such as helping to build good relationships, enhancing mutual trust, understanding, and support. This will be reflected...
Hi, I am a physical therapist who has been practicing physiotherapy for many years. I would like to share with you more clearly the symptoms...
Overview: Learn the principles of safe and effective medication delivery, a critical aspect of patient care and support.
Overview: This module focuses on the essential skills needed to provide compassionate and effective care for individuals with various needs.
Overview: Learn how to use an AED, a critical tool in improving survival rates for sudden cardiac arrest victims.
Overview: This module covers essential first aid techniques and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), equipping you with the skills to respond effectively in various emergency situations.
Hello and welcome to our comprehensive video course series on First Aid, CPR, AED, Care Giving, Personal Support, Medication Delivery, and Patient Transfer. I’m Dr...
Strengthening Your Prayer Life: Exploring the Ten Prayers of Faith from Nehemiah’s Winning Strategies for Tough Times
Developing the Coaching Leadership Model.
Securing Your Financial Future Through Biblical Economics.
Christ’s Method Alone: The Discover the Seven Imperatives of Organic Church Growth.
What are the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain on the body?
What is the reason? Currently needing kinesiotherapy? (Kine )
What causes musculoskeletal pain on the body?
How often do you know the signs of muscle weakness?
This video explains funding solutions that can be an option for investors in need of financing without going through bank loans, but instead through the...
This video explains about Jusuf Indradewa & Partners, when it was established, who the founder is, and what field of legal consulting it operates in
This video explains the legal services provided by Jusuf Indradewa & Partners so that investors better understand the needs that can be served by Jusuf...
This video explains the requirements and mechanisms for conducting a rights issue in the Indonesian Capital Market so that foreign investors can better understand it...
This video explains the general requirements and mechanisms for issuing bonds in the Indonesian Capital Market so that foreign investors can better understand it when...
The challenges many couples face when love fades and frustration grows are many.Marriage Capsule explores why some marriages struggle while others long to start the...
Paul, in Ephesians 4:2, teaches that to live in harmony, we must embrace lowliness—avoiding taking offense easily—and meekness—being gentle and not easily offending others. These...
Self-awareness before marriage is essential. If you don’t know who you are, you can’t truly understand who you need. Knowing yourself ensures you choose a...
My Nation and I””is a movement that integrates religious principles to support and uplift those in need within our society. Through compassionate outreach and faith-based...
Im Wandia Gracious Ching, the founder and Senior Pastor at Shiloh Embassy, also founder of several impactful initiatives: My Nation and I, which integrates faith-based...
A sneak peek into Frida’s strategies for teaching children to read early, turning it into a fun, engaging, and interactive activity for both kids and...
The simple but powerful four dimensions of learning—reading, writing, listening, and speaking—and how focusing on these leads to long-term success.
Show parents how just 30 minutes a day can transform their child’s education using the SuperSchooling approach, with a focus on efficiency and impact.
Introduce the core skills that SuperSchooling focuses on—skills that AI can’t replicate. Showcase a quick example of how to nurture one of these traits in...
Highlight how parents can make any moment a learning opportunity, showing that education doesn’t have to be confined to traditional methods.
Snippet 5: Tired of living? Feel like your problems never end? Apply these three ways, and surely your life will be transformed. The key is...
Snippet 1: Life’s storms never discriminate. People from all social statuses, education levels, cultures, or genders will face life’s challenges. So don’t complain, but surrender...
Snippet 3: Don’t use your ego when facing problems. It will never end. Try inviting Jesus into your life, and surely your life will change.
Snippet 4: When you agree with someone, goals are easier to achieve. Want to solve your life’s problems faster? Then agree with Jesus.
A Brief Introduction of Chris X Channel and the content of Video Production Channel. The basic knowledge and simple steps.
“Embracing Your Past and Releasing Forgiveness” is a groundbreaking course that will empower you to confront your past and discover the unique power of forgiveness....
“Trauma to Triumph” is an empowering course designed to guide individuals through the healing process from trauma to strength. This comprehensive program combines therapeutic techniques,...
Discover the practical strategies to be an engaged parent despite life’s demands. The “How Not to Become an Absent Parent” course offers practical guidance and...
Introduction of myself
“Pain to Power” is a transformative course designed to help individuals turn their pain into personal power. This course focuses on providing practical tools and...
Snippet 2: Be still and calm before God. Let Him speak in the silence. Don’t just constantly complain and pour out your heart. God also...
How many of us want deposits in our bank accounts? These deposits don’t last forever or multiply on their own. But there is one type...