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Sokhum Rithy

Sokhum Rithy is student.
He is 11 years old.
Currently, He is studying full time in Grade 6
of both Khmer and Chinese
And part time in English .
He loves drawing, fold paper , creativity,
research, and play sports.
He is kind of kid that
helping , services, independence, awareness.
He is a kind of fast learning person. Whatever he listens, whatever he
sees,he can do almost 70%-90%.
At school, he always assists teachers. He inspire and motivates his friends.
And he join other social activities.
Besides studying, he also help parents to do some housework.
Even he is 11 years old.
His thinking and activities like a mutual person.
One of His dream is want to help people to be a good person. I have been writing since i was 7 years old.

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