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Vorl Kouch Sonam

Vorl Kouch Sonam is tailor , designer, artist and Entrepreneur . Vorl Kouch Sonam was born with Drawing talented, he like drawing since he was young . Through his dream has lead him to have a private tailor shop in the field of madd to order of the Brudd and groom gown and dress since 28 years ago . The journey is well worth , through his hardship and effort currently Sonam tailors a big team of more than 50 people working together to deliver the high end wedding dress to other 50 wedding planner business . Mr Vorl Kouch Sonam has deducate his life to build up the economic independence and bring back Cambodian Fashion traditional industry in his field.

Mr Vorl Kouch Soman is the owner of Sanam tailor ( of one of the outstanding Tailor in Phnom Penh and spread all over Cambodia. With the strong leadership and innovation he has achieved an extraordinary success in design wedding dress industry , his reconigtion is also acknowledged by the government of Cambodia .

Mr Vorl Kouch Sonam is a generous person, in year 2019 From his campaign movement he has contribution a package amount of his personsl financial to one of the children Hospital in Cambodia ( KUNTHABOPHA Hospital ) Mr Vorl Kouch Sonam find hope and happiness in his industry and would like to carry on to promote Cambodian culture to the international level.

He finds hope , Happiness in his field and aspire to find friendship , prosperity in his work and in his life .



